by Lynn Palmgren, LAc. | Sep 5, 2017 | Acupuncture, Anxiety, Blog, Depression, Detox, Fatigue, Insomnia, Motivation Tips, Relaxation Tips, Stress Relief
Why It’s Time to Get Off the Beaten Track(er) Fit Bits are on the wrists of over 23 million people right now. Every step, heart beat, and sleep cycle is being measured to the nth degree. In my practice, I’m no stranger to fitness trackers because many of...
by Nick Arestopoulos, LAc. | Jun 4, 2016 | Blog, Goal Setting, Motivation Tips
Getting Started: The Hurdles to Clear As a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine an issue that many of my clients often run into is having a tough time just starting the process of change. I’m going to make a set of installments to help you overcome...