by Lynn Palmgren, LAc. | Sep 4, 2019 | Acupuncture, Anxiety, Benefits of Acupuncture, Blog, Depression
Happiness. It’s become a buzz word these past few years and the center of many research studies as of late. Of course, everyone has their own definition of what it means to be happy. Perhaps, it’s a goal for you to be happy in your life. A local business...
by Lynn Palmgren, LAc. | Jul 13, 2018 | Anxiety, Blog, Chinese Herbs, Depression, Pain Management, Skin Care, Weight Loss
Turmeric Benefits: Feeling Better Inside & Out Turmeric is everywhere you look these days. You see it in the news and at the pharmacy. In the U.S., sales of turmeric increased a whopping 118% in 2015 and the trend continues. This yellow-orange herb...
by Lynn Palmgren, LAc. | Sep 5, 2017 | Acupuncture, Anxiety, Blog, Depression, Detox, Fatigue, Insomnia, Motivation Tips, Relaxation Tips, Stress Relief
Why It’s Time to Get Off the Beaten Track(er) Fit Bits are on the wrists of over 23 million people right now. Every step, heart beat, and sleep cycle is being measured to the nth degree. In my practice, I’m no stranger to fitness trackers because many of...
by Lynn Palmgren, LAc. | Dec 5, 2016 | Anxiety, Blog, Fatigue, Holidays, Meditation/Mindfulness, Relaxation Tips, Stress Relief, Winter
With the holidays right around the corner, you may be feeling the crunch. Finding gifts, preparing meals, dealing with family and coworkers, going to holiday parties and on and on… It’s enough to drive anyone’s stress levels through the roof! The past few...
by Lynn Palmgren, LAc. | Nov 11, 2016 | Anxiety, Blog, Depression, Stress Relief
How to Reduce Stress & Re-Focus Feeling stressed lately? You’re not alone. In our practice, we’ve recently had more patients complain of stress-related pain, depression, anxiety and overall feeling of dread. When stress and other emotions start...
by Lynn Palmgren, LAc. | Aug 17, 2016 | Allergies, Anxiety, Blog, Common Cold/Flu, Cupping, Depression, Insomnia, Pain Management, Stress Relief
Cupping Is the Culprit Behind Those Purple Dots Cupping is the next big thing. It has entered our homes thanks to Olympians and professional athletes displaying its distinctive purple dots. Although it has gained recent popularity, cupping is an ancient technique that...